Art Exhibition and Meet the Artist Event

A FREE art exhibition and Meet the Artist Event at the WPI campus (Gordon Library) welcome everyone. The exhibition displays "A Journey within Self" and "Light" series by Elif Asar, a WPI student who makes original abstract art and our current outreach coordinator of the New England Turkish Student Association.

DISCLAIMER: The art pieces are NOT for sale. This exhibition's and the Meet the Artist Event's purpose is to inspire others, to create a communication medium between the artist and the audience, and for the artist to receive feedback from the audience.

When you get your FREE tickets, you'll be notified if there is any change in the date and time of the Meet the Artist Event - the weather in December in New England is not predictable :)

"A Journey within Self" series tells a story about when Elif's overseas trip back home became a journey within herself. Therefore, it contains artworks that were painted during this trip and are deeply personal.

On the other hand, New England's nature-inspired "Light" series explores natural light and transparent materials such as glass and water.