We believe in education. Our sole purpose is to create a stronger community for our members while celebrating and introducing Turkish culture to the community to help create a better future for all starting from students. If you like to support our cause and see more events this please feel free to support our cause.


Please click the button below, or scan the QR code to support our cause by donating via PayPal.


Here is the QR code that directs you to Donate by Paypal


Please support our cause via monthly Patreon donations. No commitment is necessary; feel free to cancel anytime.

You empower us to build bridges between Turkish and American communities, be a reliable guide for incoming students, and contribute to New England society. You can support us by becoming a Monthly Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/netsa). You only need to spend 2 minutes supporting us.

If you are not familiar with Patreon please follow step by step instructions below.

1) Go to https://www.patreon.com/netsa 

2) Click on ‘Become a patron’. You will be directed to a sign-up page.

3) Please sign up to Patreon using Facebook, Google or Apple credentials or using your email address. You need to confirm sign-up if doing by email.

4) Clicking on confirm will take you to your profile. After filling out your profile, you can choose the amount you wish to donate by going back to https://www.patreon.com/netsa

Here you can pick any amount you wish to donate monthly. We believe every dollar counts, so the amount is entirely up to you and can be as low as 1.00 $, or any multiples, i.e., 2$, 5$, 10$, 20$, 100$. Click ‘Continue’. 

5) Filling out your credit card information is the last step! 

You are now among millions of secure Patreon donators! NETSA, uses Patreon as a funding source for events and other activities. All NETSA members serve voluntarily and none of use receive any benefit from donations.


How to add NETSA as Your AmazonSmile Charity

AmazonSmile is an Amazon service that helps users support the cause of many charitable organizations. When you chose NETSA as your charitable organization the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the New England Turkish Student Association. However, in order for the donations to reach NETSA, you should make your purchase at smile.amazon.com or enable AmazonSmile on your Amazon mobile app.

Here is how to either in your mobile app or on a browser

On a mobile app

Turn on AmazonSmile on your Amazon Mobile App by tapping ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Then tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

amazon smile.png

On Web Browser

Change Your AmazonSmile Charitable Organization

On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you're prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations. You can change your selection at any time.

To change your charitable organization:

1.     Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.

2.     From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.

3.     Select a new charitable organization to support.

Note: You can also hover over the Supporting notice in the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the Change link next to the name of the charity you’re currently supporting.

For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to http://smile.amazon.com/about.